What MacPhee Means to Cheshta


How did you feel when you first walked into the MacPhee Centre?

I loved it as it made me feel very adult like

Can you share a memory of a project or piece of work you created here? How did the experience of creating it shape you?

I made a very horrible painting, [in my first painting class], and it was still appreciated.

How has the MacPhee Centre made a difference in your life? What would you say to someone looking to be involved in MacPhee?

This place is the best. I always look forward to [coming here] all day. Everything about MacPhee is really special.

How has the Centre helped you express your creativity?

The [instruction and activities] help me get a base and then I can build on them from there. The people here are very supportive and make me feel wanted. I get to choose what I want to [learn] and how I do it. MacPhee makes me feel free and independant.

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